September 2, 2009
The 3rd sprint of the development of coopordie2 has been completed. The acid sea
tide has been basically implemented. The player is hurt by the acid, but if he
can get some rest, his health points are progressively restored. If the health
goes to zero, the player is forced to crouch, can't attack and can only
move slowly to a healing station. The healing station can treat the player
completely in a dozen seconds. During this last sprint I started to use the
Proto Pack
from Frogames. I have used it for the healing station model and particles
effect. Previously, using complex models for the player and monster was
interesting for my knowledge of the Unity engine asset integration.
But for rapid prototyping and testing the game play, I will probably not
pay too much attention to the models for the next sprints. I plan to use the proto Pack
again for a quick implementation of the mine shaft.
On the Solo
aspect of the development, I think I have definitively adopted the
sprint backlog.
I will probably rework the
product backlog
and produce a release backlog for the coming 4 months.
There is also an aspect of the Scrum method that I would try for my development; it
is a
sprint review meeting.
I think I could provide a demo
at the end of the next sprint. It could be a game play video, or directly a
release of the game in its current state. I could put it online for a short
time and organize a sort of development chat with some friends and coopordie
visitors. Creating an event, showing the product and chatting with other people
will probably help with maintaining the pressure on me. The synthesis of the
discussion may help me to do a sprint retrospective. All in all, the
experience will probably be interesting. For preparing this demo event I will
share more information about the next sprint and I will soon open a new forum
dedicated to coopordie2.